Water filters & Purifiers

ro filter

The best Water Filter companies in Bahrain

For many reasons, a water filter is the most valuable and essential tool in your kitchen and home. A water filter will make your water more pure and drinkable and reduce your use of plastic bottles for drinking. 

We at AGBR seek to provide you with the best water filter system in Bahrain you could have in your home to purify your water and clear it from contaminants, bacteria, viruses, and carcinogenic agents.

A Water filter that you buy by ABGR will reduce the percentage of suspended particles, parasites, fungi, biological chemicals, and contaminants from your water to be suitable for daily use like drinking, cooking, doing laundry, and even taking a shower.

Choose your home water filtration system in Bahrain with AGBR. 

Water filters in AGBR vary in type, size, and number of filtration process stages. we provide customers with a water filter used in all situations or places. We have Ro system water filters in Bahrain, whole house filters, coffee shop filters, and shower filters. The filtration process includes many stages such as mechanical, chemical, sediment, mineral, and bacterial. 


Our filters are easy to install and maintain and offer excellent value for money. Protect your machine and produce great-tasting beverages


Our range of filtered water dispensers is a perfect choice for offices, gyms, schools, hotels, hospitals and many other businesses


Our filters are easy to install and maintain and offer excellent value for money. Protect your machine and produce great-tasting beverages

A water filter from AGBR will be beneficial in your home.

water filter systems in Bahrain from AGBR, you are with guarantee you will get the best water quality to drink with the lowest pollution levels. 

A water filter from AGBR will filter your water through physical, chemical, or biological filtration processes to ensure your water becomes drinkable and pure.

To find the best water filter in bahrain, we are scanning the market and using our category expertise to know the most profitable products guaranteed to have the purest home water to drink. 

We read the instruction manual to clarify and ensure the water filter is dishwasher safe, use third-party data to check applications for hazardous substances, review the life span of each filter, and calculate the cost of replacing or changing the filter pieces.

How to buy the best Water Filter from AGBR

There are some factors you should keep in your mind to select a suitable water filter for your home, work, and even your coffee machine:

Water filter type and capacity

You should keep the capacity and type of filter in your mind. A water filter with a larger container will be great for less frequent refills but often take more space under your kitchen sink. The filter type also is necessary as some filters remove beneficial and essential minerals like Na and K from your tap water. 

But you shouldn’t be worried; we will nominate the best water filter you can use in your home and the best water filter for coffee shops.

Filter replacement frequency

You should know how often you will need to change your water filter. If you are upset about replacing your water filters or have simply forgotten, you should look for filters that last longer. You should also know that the performance of a water purifier depends on the quality of the water source and whether the filters are changed regularly. 

Some models in AGBR come with an indicator for filter replacement. We recommend them if you are afraid to forget this important tip.

Filtration Methode

Most water filters in AGBR use either carbon filters or reverse osmosis filtration systems. Reverse osmosis filters use multiple filters to remove contaminants and bacteria more than carbon filters. But, reverse osmosis systems remove beneficial minerals we want to keep in our drinking water. So, we recommend charcoal or carbon water filters.


You should consider the price of the water filter and the cost of refilling the filter. Water purifiers may be expensive at first, but the price. best Reverse Osmosis Water Filters Bahrain- water filter systems for your Home. Direct Water Filters for home or office, connect with a professional team for  Quality water filters from the AGBR COMPANY.

Common Water filtration methods

As we mentioned previously, we have all types of water filters in AGBR, but we will mention the most commonly used filtration systems to choose your whole house water filter.

Activated Carbon water filters

Carbon filters offer a larger adsorption surface area, and many have an additional layer between the carbons for better filtration. 

Carbon filtration systems in AGBR have an extra layer of silver that prevents harmful bacterial growth. These filters come in various sizes, have charcoal granules with a smaller surface area, and can improve the filtration process. Because of the high filtration efficacy of these filters, we recommend them to be used in whole-house water filters. 

But be careful with the deadline of filter replacement as colonies of bacteria can grow inside the filter after long periods of inactivity, even if treated.

Ion Exchange filter

These filters depend on a chemical process that removes dissolved ions from water. Ion exchange filters produce pure and high-quality water but are generally ineffective against organic contaminants. Ion Exchange filters use charged hydrogen and hydroxyl ions to exchange cations and anions in water. When metal ions enter the filter,  hydrogen is released, displacing the metal trapped in the beads. The final product water after the filtration process is mineral-free water. We recommend filters with this filtration mechanism for industrial water uses, as they effectively reduce and eliminate lime scale deposits in boilers, valves, and other equipment. This reduces costs by extending the life of filters and equipment, ultimately reducing maintenance costs.


Reverse Osmosis Filters

The reverse osmosis (RO) system uses a combination of filters to remove contaminants and harmful bacteria. The first used filter is usually mechanical, the second and the third filters are made of carbon or charcoal, the fourth is semipermeable, and the fifth is chemical.RO is a water filtration method suitable for high concentrations of contaminants, viruses, salts, bacteria, and carcinogenic agents. RO water filtration systems pass water under high pressure through a combination of semi-permeable filters. Filters let water through, but not contaminants or other harmful agents. RO is one of the most effective water filtration methods for removing bacteria and viruses from water.

Frequently Asked Question about Water Filter

The healthiest way to filter your home water is by boiling it for a few minutes or using our safe and healthy activated carbon water filters in AGBR.

Of course, filters can trap minute particles avoiding several health issues such as premature aging. They also give your water a better taste and smell as they remove compounds and chemicals such as zinc, chlorine, and hydrogen sulfide that give your tape water a metallic taste and a sewage smell.

Home water filters should be replaced every 6-12 months. Filters used on commercial or industrial sides should be changed every 4 to 6 months. Reverse osmosis membranes, additional alkaline agents, and other essential parts must be replaced every 2 or 4 years.

You should change the water filters when there is one of these signs: foul odour, metallic taste, slow filtering speed, and low water pressure.


In AGBR, we will help you to choose the water filtration system you prefer to be in your whole house water filter. We offer accurate service, reasonable prices, factual information, and specifications. Contact us to choose your Perfect Water Filter!